House - Cavite
Phase 9 Alapan Woodstock Imus, Cavite Philippines
P 495,000
Cheapest offer you can get: H & L in Cavite for Sale
Cheapest offer you can get!! Corner house and lot (60 sqm w/mezzanine) in Phase 9 Alapan Woodstock Imus, Cavite Philippines for SALE. The current selling value of this house is P650, 000-750,000. However, the owner is offering this house and lot for a discounted price
for only P495,000 (cash payments only).
After May 31, the price of this house and lot will increase. Interested parties may call at 5221875, text at 0920-873-75-30 or email at [email protected]
beds 0
baths 1
floors 2
year_built 2002
prop_tax -
status Active
Cheapest offer you can get!! Corner house and lot (60 sqm w/mezzanine) in Phase 9 Alapan Woodstock Imus, Cavite Philippines for SALE. The current selling value of this house is P650, 000-750,000. However, the owner is offering this house and lot for a discounted price
for only P495,000 (cash payments only).
After May 31, the price of this house and lot will increase. Interested parties may call at 5221875, text at 0920-873-75-30 or email at [email protected]